location ... Location The school is located on Warren Road in northeast Ann Arbor and serves families from Ann Arbor, Belleville, Brighton, Canton, Dexter, Pinckney, Plymouth, South Lyon, and Ypsilanti. The preprimary class is in one building, and the elementary ...
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The school is located on Warren Road in northeast Ann Arbor
and serves families from Ann Arbor, Belleville, Brighton,
Canton, Dexter, Pinckney, Plymouth, South Lyon, and Ypsilanti.
The preprimary class is in one building,
and the elementary classes and the office are in another building.
There are 44 acres of natural woods and hills that provide an
unique and wonderful learning experience for children.
There is an oak wood, a maple wood, and a wetland
that the children explore with their classroom teachers and the naturalist.
See the link to directions if you would like to come for a visit.